neděle 9. října 2011

The Undermine Journal, learn your realms AH.

 Hey, fore new people o making gold and still doesn't know this very useful site, I'm gonna post it and explain it.

 On the Undermine Journal you can see every realms best selling items.
 Let's say that you're a scribe and you're in the glyph market which is pretty complex and you really need skill to stay there mainly because of the non-stop undercutting: well on the Undermine Journal you can track your comepetitions posting times, and you may find a gap where he won't undercut you (bed, lunch, dinner).
 You just better know this website if you wanna get serious with making gold in WoW.




 So I made a decision :D.
 I'll be talking pretty much about gold making in WoW, I think that you may all appreciate it because it will be a bit of a guide for getting to the gold cap, and it will show you different ways to make gold.
